Being born in Osaka, Japan and living the culture....... My parents put me in front of piano at age 3. 大阪生まれ。三才からピアノを始めました。
I really don't know how my mother did then or how I did as a 3 year old girl, sitting in front of the piano everyday. 三才の子供にどうやって毎日ピアノの前に座らせたのか、わかりません。
My parents told me this very simple thing. "Study hard so that you can get into a good school. Study hard to get good grades so that I can get a good job at a good company. Then maybe you'll meet somebody to get married to and have a great life." Well, that all sounded simple but the reality was quite the opposite.両親は一生懸命に勉強していい学校、いい職場そしていい人と結婚して。。。と言っていましたが現実はそうではありませんでした。
I graduated from school as a pianist . Maybe a pianist was not my real passion. I just got burned out from practicing for many many hours a day just to make sure that I could play perfectly. Back then I used to fly between Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Holland quite often. One day when I flew into Los Angeles to see a friend, I got introduced these amazing nutritional products called Herbalife. 私はピアニストとして、学校を卒業しましたが毎日の「完璧なピアニスト」であるための長時間の練習の生活からストレスで健康に支障ができ、ラッキーなことにハーバライフの製品と出会いました。
Well, I did not realize how unhealthy I was back then. Especially not knowing the real meaning of “HEALTHY”, I thought ....."I am Japanese! I eat good rice, lots of vegetable, and fish. so I don't need a shake and tablets." Then, a few days later I had a chance to go to an event where some of the people were already on the products and what I saw blew me away! So many people had amazing results. Especially everybody's energy, excitement, and happiness! Hmm, I really thought that I am one of the ones that need these products the most! 最初聞いたときはわたしには関係ないと思いましたが実際健康でないからだと、医者の薬に頼っていた事実と、実際この栄養プランで本当に驚くような結果を出した人々を見て気持ちが変わったのです。
After taking the products about a week, I realized my energy level was a lot better, and the issues I was struggling was solved. I felt so much better about myself. .一週間ほどで信じられませんが私の悩んでいた健康問題が徐々に改善されただけでなく体重を減らすことも達成しました。
I wanted to find out what this company was all about. I met an amazing couple named Henry and Stania Smek who were very successful in this business and they asked me this one simple question. "What kind of life do you want to live in next 3 to 5 years?" I could not answer because I was never asked that type of question before in my life. When I heard the story how their life has changed because of this company, I thought this opportunity was for them and not for me. I didn't have any job experience or business experience and especially no skills to apply! Honestly, I didn't have the confidence that I could do anything like this. I found out that they did not speak any English, didn't have any friends or family in America. I also found out that Henry was a trumpeter and Stania was a chemistry teacher at a High School. I realized if they can do it, I can have the same thing. I even thought having 10% of their success would be amazing! They told me that I must go to a training so that I could learn the skills to build a great business. I really did not understand the meaning of that at the time, but I made a decision to follow what my mentor told me to do. After this first training, I started earning income! I was so excited since this was the first income I have ever made in my life! 製品の結果に感動していったいこの会社はどんな会社なのか興味本位であるカップルに会いに行きました。この会社ではすでにものすごい成功をしていた夫婦で彼らに三年から五年後にどんな人生を送っていたいかと聞かれ私は答えられずボーっとしたものです。私は自分に全く何のスキルもなく、経験もなく、英語もよく話せない、働いたことさえなっかたという理由で自信がなくとてもではないがわたしには無理だと言いました。しかしながら、学んでいく事、一生懸命働くこと、そして自分の将来に対してビジョンを持ち続け、我慢強くついてこれるのなら、ビジネスを教えて私が将来得たいと思っているものを全て手に入れていける様にサポートしてくれると言われました。私はエキサイティングな気持ちより恐怖の方が大きかったのを覚えています。それでも最初の10日で約13万円を手にし「私にもできる」という自信につながっていったのです。
I was so excited for what was happening in my life! Something so different than I had ever done, and learning to be a mentor and coach for other people, and helping other people to change their lives! 今までやったことのない全く新しいことを学び収入につながっていくことの興奮を感じるようになりました。
Shortly after, I moved back to Tokyo, Japan where I was originally from, I started building this incredible International business. Just like anything you do, the beginning is the most challenging. However, I kept learning, working hard, and following the plan that my mentor gave me. その後東京に戻り日本の皆さんの健康をサポートし、そしてエクストラの収入が必要な人やもしくはビジネスチャンスが必要な人々と一緒に働いていくこととなりました。勿論何でも最初が一番大変ですね。でもメンターからのサポートと、一生懸命に働くことによって、私の人生だけでなく一緒に働いていった多くの人々の人生まで大きく向上していきました。
This international business opportunity took me from a young girl without skills, to a business entrepreneur in a very short period of time. More importantly, I had to work on myself to become more and someone who would be respected by many. I was very lucky to work with Mr. Jim Rohn. He taught me how to live a valuable life. I was learning so many new things I had never heard of before. Not only about business, but also how to work with many different types of people. Learning how to use the right verbiage, how to present my self, and basically - how to work on myself! I did not understand the meaning of "how to work on myself" for a long time because I was thinking about how I can work on my list. But that's not the meaning of working on myself. このインターナショナルなビジネスチャンスは、23歳の何のスキルもなかった若い女子を短い間で物凄い成功者に導いてくれたのです。そして重要だったことはビジネスが大きくなり収入が増えていくと同時に、それに見合った人間に成長していくことが必要であるということです。私の本当の成功を教えてくれたのは素晴らしいメンターであったジム ローン氏です。私は彼の教えによって人生をみがいていくごとを学びました。
When going through the challenges of marriage, raising children, working on my business, and working on myself, came many tears, unsatisfied feelings, lack of laughter, disappointment, sadness, etc., arises lots of drama! Because I've been through many events in my life, I understand how one could feel when looking for solutions or searching for answers or just a better life for oneself. 結婚生活の苦労や子育てビジネスを構築しながら、自分に磨きをかけていく。それは本当に沢山の涙と満足感のない気持ち、笑うことを忘れたり悲しみでいっぱいの時も。本当に沢山のドラマがありました。それは私の人生の中で本当に沢山の出来事があったからです。ですから、私は同じ様な苦労、チャレンジを抱えている人の解決策を探しているときの気持ちがよくわかるのです。
Now I am here for YOU! To help support how you can change the direction of your life. あなたの人生の方向をよりよいものに変えたいと思っているのなら、私がサポートします。
It can take lots of courage and patients, I know!!!!!! The good news is there is always a solution! 沢山の勇気と忍耐が必要ですね。いいことは絶対に解決策があるということです。
"The past does not have to equal the future!" With your strong desire you can make it happen! 「過去と未来が一緒である必要はありません。」 あなたの強い願望と意思で不可能なことはないはず!
What is the outcome that you're looking for? あなたが探している結果は?
You need to know what you would like to happen in your life. It could be about marriage, children, parents, friends, co-worker, relationships. Also, it could be about a career, business, job, or income, etc.自分の人生のなかで何を期待していますか?結婚生活、子供のこと、両親のこと、友達関係、同僚関係等。もしくはビジネス、仕事、収入、キャリアーのこと。
What is the meaning of your "Ideal Happiness"?
Please tell me a bit about yourself. 自分の事を話してください。
Don't hesitate to tell me anything you wish. I know we all need to have somebody to whom we can talk to and help seek a solution. I am here for you, to listen and for support so that you can start creating your exciting life! どんなことでも大丈夫です。あなたの人生がエキサイティングなものになっていけるようにサポートします。